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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Sad Story..

Last night, I had a dream..
And it was about you..
I smiled and recalled the memories we had,
Then I noticed a tear fell from my eyes,
You know why?
Because in my dream, you holds my hand and said 'GOODBYE' !

The next day, I try my dearest best to be happy,
And forget all about the nightmare's dream !

Although you left me,
You're still there !
You're still smile !
You're still happy !
You're still the same !
But that's all not for me anymore..
You're still there for her !
You're still smile for her !
You're still happy for her !
You're still the same just for her !

Maybe for you,
I'm just your bestfriend,
Whom you can share stories,
Whom you can share happiness,
Whom you can share sadness,
The bestfriend that always be there for you,
For food and bad..

A few days later,
I heard bad news from your family,
That you..
That you left me !
Not for one day !
Not for two days !
Not for a month !
Not for a year !
For my entire life !

In that moment of time,
I feel very down !
My whole life turns black !
For what I know is you left me,
This time you'll never come back !

I still remembered the night before you're gone..
You called me,
You said that,
Even though I'm not there for you,
For your good and bad time,
Just have faith that someday,
We'll be together !
And that moments, we'll never be apart anymore !
That's my promise !
I hope that Allah will grant my wish..
My wish is to be with you,
And be your spouse,
For forever in Jannah !

That day,
When you left me,
I got a letter from your parents,
They said that letter is from you,
I tried my best to open it,
Everytime I try to open it,
My tears dropping,
My heart beating,
My hands shaking,
And my legs trembling,
I couldn't stop it !
Its like I couldn't accept that you left me so suddently..

That night,
I couldn't sleep !
Everytime I close my eyes,
Your face appeared just like in the horror movie,
And my tears drop again !

Maybe you're right my dear..
That I can't live without you,
That I can't do anything without you,
That I need you to complete my whole life !
But, now..
I should change it right?
Change for a better !

That night, I opened the letter taht you give,
Its hard at first,
My heart fell very anxious,
I want to know what you're writing !
I want to know everything !

Dear sayang,
I know that you're hurt right?
I'm sorry for left you without a reason,
And left you with tears !
I know that I'm not a good person for you,
I'm trying my best to make you happy !
The reason I left you is..
I know that I can't bring happiness to you !
I'm just keep making you hurt yourself !
I'm just keep making you lying yourself !
I don't want to see all that !
All I want is your happiness !
Your happiness is mine too !
So, don't cry anymore k sayang..
Just enjoy your life till your full limit without me..
I know you can do it !
I have faith in you !
Because that day,
The day I left you,
You still smiling at me,
Although it hurts you so much !
So, now..
You should practise it everyday..
I have a quote for you,
When I read it, its reminds me a lot to you 1

The prettiest smile hide the deepest secret,
The prettiest eyes have cried the most tears,
And the kindest hearts have left,
The most pain !

                                                                                                 Sabtu (7/9/13 , 5:04 petang)
                                                                                                 Nukilan khas : Syahirah Iera

Love Story..

Love is story,
Story about both of us.

One fine day, I met someone coincidencely.
I wouldn't know that someday he will be so special to me..
I think that he was just a stranger who lost in the middle of the forest,
And I was a poor girl who lived in a cottage alone..
That time, I was so lonely !
I wonder if there will be a guy who will stop by and help me..
Its just a fake hope !
That makes me waiting and still waiting all over again..
And now I'm tired of waiting !
My faith was fading !

Just then I met someone,
He is just a simple guy who likes to do whatever he wants..
He always make me smile !
My whole life change in a blink of eye..
Who knows, a poor girl would fall in alone with a prince?!
A crown prince !
Maybe its just a fairy tale..
I want it that way..
So that I will not wake up from that fairy tale's dream !
And face the reality !

Day after day, time passed away.
My life is still living in that fairy tale's dream..
One day the crown prince meet with a beautiful princess !
They loved each other !
The crown prince risk his whole life for the princess..
By then, the crown prince starts to ignore me !
Maybe its hurt, but..
What can i do to get the crown prince back?!
I was a poor girl !
By that time, I knows that I'm not for him !
I'm not deserve to get his attention or even his love !
Because I was still a poor lonely girl !

I still remembered that summer day,
You came into my life and change it !
For what I know is, you are just a sick stranger who lost and need help from me..
I help you cure your wounds !
I was afraid that after your wounds was cured,
You will left this place and forget me !
So, I'd do anything and everything to make you stay..
Its only last for a few days..
After that, you left me and I'll be forgotten for forever !
You once said to me,
"If you love someone, hold him tight and never let him go ! But if you let him go, he will not come back and you will regret it for your whole life"
I feel regret for letting you go,
Maybe you are not as better as a crown prince that can give me anything and everything !
You give me something precious in my life..
It's our memories !

Time passed to fast,
I'm still with our old memories !
My heart can't take it anymore !
Its too hurt !
Everyday tears accompany my sleep !
Everyday your face become my nightmare in my dream !
Everyday I hope that I will forget you and I'll never know you before !

Dear Allah, why this feeling doesn't fade away?
Why his face in my dreams every night?
Why I still can't forget this love story?
Why he can moved on without me but I can't?
Everyday I think about him until my tears are gone !
Until my heart feel very down !
I don't want to get weak !

Dear Allah, give me support to get up again..
Give me strength to keep me strong..

So, for this heart,
Stop loving,
Stop hoping,
Stop hurting,
Just make it stop for whatever you doing right now !
Don't do anything anymore !

Your love story was finished !
You never know that crown,
You never know that sick stranger,
What you know is you help them learnt to fall in love !
After they learnt it, they left you !

Love is like a sweet !
It tastes sweet and sour..
Love is like a bitter gourd !
It tastes bitter..

Some say,
It hurt to wait for someone..
Some say,
It painful to forget someone..
The worst pain comes,
When you don't know whether to wait or forget..

Isn't it weird, how people just leave?
Like one day,
They are there,
Talking to you,
Caring about you,
And the next day, everything stopped !
They continue with their life and forget you,
Its like they don't know you or never meet you before !
Its weird how you left,
And acted like everything was okay,
And your life is perfectly fine,
Without me..

One smile, can start a friendship..
One word, can end a fight..
One look, can save a relationship..
One person, can change your life..

Maybe you're moved on now,
I'm still standing there,
Not moving,
Just waiting for you !
If you're still ignore me,
And I got tired waiting for you,
If my legs are shaking,
And my tears is dropping again,
I will force my trembling legs to move forward !
Even just for one step !
I will still keep moving !
And when I start moving,
I won't look back again !
And for that moments, I will stop loving you !
But if you're regret for leaving me,
I will never get back to you even for once moment in my life !

Its scary to find someone that makes you happy,
You start giving them all your attention,
Because they make you forget everything bad in life..
They're the first person you want to talk in the morning,
And the lasts before you sleep..
It all sounds great to have that someone,
Its scary to think about how easily they could leave,
And take the happiness away too,
When they go..

For your information, dear stranger..
One I fall for you,
My loyalty is for you !
Once I stop fall for you,
My neglectly is for you !

Dear stranger,
When you start leaving me,
Please take away your memories that you left,
Please take away your happiness that you give,
Please take away your love that you fake,
Please take away your caring that you lie,
Please take away everything that you ever give to me,
I don't want to remember a thing about you !
You and I never know each other !
We are stranger !

                                                                                                   Khamis (5/9/13 , 9:24 mlm)
                                                                                                   Nukilan khas : Syahirah Iera

Monday, November 25, 2013

Memasak a.k.a Bibik

Assalamualaikum semua . Korang semua dah cuti kan?? Apa yang korang buat untuk mengisi masa terluang korang?? Mesti best2 kan plan korang untuk cuti nie?? Aku pluak hanya terperap kat rumah dan jadi BIBIK free of charge ! Penat beb ! Cubalah korang bayangkan, hari-2 kena buat benda yang sama iaitu kemas rumah, basuh baju, sidai baju, kemas dapur, kemas bilik dan akhir sekali.. MEMASAK ! Ok, nie memang bukan apa yang aku suka ! Sebabnya aku mana lah pandai memasak, kalau setakat masak nasi dan masak air tu boleh lah, goreng telur tu pun boleh lah jugak cuma kadang-2 tu hancuss jugak . Hoho . Tapi, sekarang aq dah boleh dikatakan master dengan memasak . Erkk?? Yeke?? Kalau ikutkan hati memang tak nak masak pun, tapi just kasihankan mama balik kerja, mesti balik lapar kan?? So, nak tak nak aku pun belajar lah memasak . Tapi, menu sama je lah tiap-2 hari . Sayur-sayuran ! Itulah menu setiap hari yang aku akan masak . Sebab sayur-sayuran kan baik untuk kesihatan dan tak menggemukkan . Lagipun, berat badan aku dah makin naik nie, so nak lah jugak turunkan . Haha . Kadang-2 tu adalah penat sikit buat semua kerja rumah nie tapi apa boleh buat, dah nasib badan . Macam mama cakapkan anak perempuan lah kan . Huh ! Kadang2 tu agak jugak lah merungut sambil menangis . Yelah, cubalah korang bayangkan . Bangun pagi-2 je terus kena kemas rumah, lepas kemas rumah, kena sapu sampah yang mana bukan job aq, job akak aq . Lepas tu kena basuh baju abang-2 aq dan semua orang . Pastu kena masak ! Kalau aq nie chef takpelah jugak . Tak payah pening2 kepala nak fikir apa nak masak, just main campak-2 je terus jadi . But now, aku pun masih belajar lagi, so a bit memeningkan lah . Tu pun kadang-2 aku kena bukak buku resepi chef wan ataupun buku resepi warisan mama aku . Tu pun kalau ada bahan-2 nya lah, kalau takde kena buat resepi sendiri yang sememangnya hancuss . Cuma satu masakan ciptaan aku je yang menjadi . Ohh, bangga beb ! Aku namakan masakan aku AYAM X MENJADI ! Haha . Nak tahu sebab apa aku namakan masakan aku macam tu?? Sebabnya pada mulanya aku nak masak ayam kicap, tapi aku tak pandai buat, pastu aku nak buat ayam masak merah pulak, tapi sama macam tadi, tak pandai nak buat . So, aku combinekan dua-2 tu, so jadi lah masakan AYAM X MENJADI . Huhu . Tapi, walaupun tak menjadi, mama, papa dan adik beradik aku suka tau . Siap suruh aku masak banyak kali lagi . Huh ! Bangga-2 ! So, kesimpulannya, setiap perempuan kena tahu memasak supaya tak jadi macam aku yang tak pandai memasak nie ye . Bakat memasak nie amat diperlukan semua perempuan sebab setiap orang akan berkahwin bukan?? So, ini untuk masa depan jugak . Takkan lah korang nak kasi suami korang makan luar tiap-2 hari kot . Pokai beb ! Baik-2 billionaire, terus jadi bankrupt ! Huhu . Tapi, jangan pulak upah orang gaji suruh memasak pulak . Silap-2 hari bulan, ada jugak orang meroyan sebab suami dibawa lari oleh pembantu rumah korang . Minta dijauhkan lah . Apa-2 pun, orang yang pandai memasak nie bukan kampung or kuno macam sesetengah orang gelarkan, tapi sekurang-2 nya dia fikirkan masa depan dia ! Ok lah adik dah lapar tu, melayan blog sampai terlupa nak masak . Babaii !! XDD

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Cita-cita .

Hye2 blogger ! Korang sihat?? Mesti korang sihat walafiat kan?? Aku baru je baik daripada demam, lama tau aq demam, tu pun semuanya sebab aku tak nak makan ubat . Bila mama suruh aku makan ubat, aku buat-2 masukkan dalam mulut dan bila mama dah keluar, cepat-2 aku keluarkan ubat tu balik . Haha . Aku bukanlah seorang yang sukakan makan ubat . Sebab ubat tu mana sedap ! Pahit ! Kalau aku cakap ngan scandle aku yang ubat tu pahit, mahunya aku kena bebel ngan dia ! Huh ! XD . Ok, aku nak cerita pasal cita-2 . Korang semua mesti ada cita-2 bukan?? Angan-2 korang bila besar nanti . Sama ada nak jadi doktor pakar bedah ataupun CEO ataupun billionaire . Semua tu tak mustahil nak berlaku asalkan korang rajin berusaha dan berdoa . Sebenarnya cita-2 aku nak jadi doktor pakar bedah . Tapi, bila lama-2 aku dah tak tahu cita-2 aq yang sebenarnya . Masa darjah 1, cikgu suruh aku listkan 3 cita-2 yang aku nak jadi bila aku besar nanti, masa tu aku nak jadi polis, penyanyi n jururawat . Sebab aku nak jadi polis sebab baju polis yang segak, sebab aku nak jadi penyanyi takde sebab dan sebab aq nak jadi jururawat sebab aq nak rawat orang sakit . Tapi, bila umur aku makin meningkat, aq tukar cita-2 aku sebab kawan-2 aku cakap kalau nak jadi jururawat, kena jaga mayat kat bilik mayat, kalau nak jadi polis kena jadi seorang yang brutal dan kalau nak jadi penyanyi kena guna baju yang tak cukup kain . Sejak tu, aku set kat otak aku, aku nak jadi doktor pakar bedah . Sebabnya aku nak rawat orang sakit dan cari semua penawar untuk semua penyakit . Tapi, sekarang aku macam dah tak nak jadi doktor lagi . Sebabnya aku takut aku tak boleh teruskan subjek-2 sains yang susah yang aku amik sekarang ni . Aku pun tak tahu sejak bila aku jadi seorang yang penakut dan pengecut macam nie sekali, sampaikan tak sanggup nak amik cabaran yang sedia menanti ! Dulu aku tak macam nie pun, dulu aku paling sukakan cabaran dan berani ! Hurm . Nak cari diri aku yang dulu tu susah sebab dia dah lama hilang . Apa yang aku paling suka ngan diri aku yg dulu ialah sikap aku yang berani . Takde langsung sikap takut dalam diri aku . Tapi, diri aku yang sekarang tak melambangkan diri aku yang dulu ! Betullah mama kata, kalau nak jadi diri yang dulu, jangan terjebak dalam cinta sebab cinta buat kita jadi lemah dan hilang keyakinan dalam diri . Aku berharap aku dapat jumpa diri aku dulu, so alu akan jadi lebih berani untuk capai cita-2 aku nak jadi doktor pakar bedah dan sambung belajar kat luar negara sampai phD !! Yeah, Fatin Nursyahirah bt Idris BOLEH !! You can do it my dear ! Have faith in yourself !! So, korang pun janganlah putus asa ngan cita-2 korang tau . Selagi korang boleh capai, capai lah, jangan lepaskan ! Cinta kalau hilang boleh dicari, tapi cita-2 kalau hilang sukar diganti . Ingat tau kawan-2 ! XD . Have fun with your life, live it till your full limit . Jangan bila korang dah tua, ada penyesalan dalam diri . Kawan aku cakap, cari cinta ALLAH dulu baru cari cinta manusia yang sementara . :DD
Sky Blue Bow Tie